Traveling to New York gave me plenty of lasting memories. I enjoyed walking the Poughkeepsie pedestrian bridge, traversing the Big Apple, visiting Yankee Stadium and so much more. As I wrap up reflecting on my New York road trip, I’ve thought about how road trips are infused with American values, including from the Declaration of Independence.
Declaring my Independence
In a way, going on this first road trip was like my personal Declaration of Independence. While this road trip certainly pales in comparison to the significance of the document Thomas Jefferson penned in 1776, the road trip allowed me to assert my own independence. I took hold of those certain unalienable God-given rights known as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I continue to take hold of them today.
The Pursuit of Happiness
A road trip in itself embodies the rights cited in that foundational American document. By its very nature, a road trip is a pursuit of something you desire to experience. Through the road trip, one pursues an experience, and when that desire is satisfied, you obtain happiness.

The happiness could come through spending time with friends and family. It could come through seeing amazing sights or tasting great food and drinks. It could come through experiencing exciting events, or quieting the soul in spiritual reflection. It’s open ended. During a road trip, you get to choose your pursuit of happiness.
Freedom of choice
That freedom of choice is a beautiful thing. Having the liberty to go your own way is an exhilarating experience. Reminds me of a song from The Lion King.
No one saying “Do this!” No one saying, “Be there!” No one saying “Stop that!” No one saying “See here!” Free to run around all day—free to do it all my way. 🦁👑
Road trips give freedom to those willing to take the risk of adventure. And yet, the road gives structure to the menu of options you can choose.
Now kids might wonder how being stuck in a car for several hours with your annoying siblings can be freeing. On the surface, yeah, you just want to run wild. Yet while riding in the car, you can read (if you don’t get car sick), watch a movie, play the alphabet game, listen to music, play a travel-friendly game, or simply see the natural landscapes out your window. Or you could sit all bored and be that annoying sibling—you have that choice too.
Regardless, road trips grant people the freedom to go places and do things.
A Life Worth Living
An ancient philosopher once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” To make that statement positive, adventuring and exploring all that life has to offer is worth it.

my New York road trip.
Road trips offer that exact opportunity—to explore all sorts of amazing places, meet fascinating people, and experience memorable events. They allow you to examine life with all five senses. Books, TV shows, movies, music, and the Internet can only communicate so much about life, but road trips create multi-sensual memories that last a lifetime.
In addition, road trips allow people to see the value of life beyond themselves. There’s so much worth doing, and road trips spur people on to keep adventuring and to live a deep life—a life worth living. When people go on road trips, they learn that there’s so much more to life than one’s job or hometown. Road trips break the mold of our identities and create a stronger and more enriched understanding of life so we can love people better.
Road tripping: a spiritual experience
My New York road trip gave me the permission to take hold of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Tasting great food, spending time with family, and seeing amazing sights poured life into my soul. Exploring the concrete jungle of New York City and learning about FDR’s Four Freedoms speech unleashed my soul to imagine more adventures and a better world. Driving over awe-inspiring bridges and riding the city’s trains moved my soul to pursue happiness for others and myself with a greater determination.
Indeed, road tripping can be a spiritual experience, where the senses feed the soul, and the soul, strengthened from the journey, pours energy back into the body to experience life more fully. I feel more alive after this road trip to New York, and I am excited to continue these adventures. I hope you’re inspired to take a road trip so you can feel more alive, too.
Check out my next road trip, to the state of Maine!